
We are committed in ensuring our website is accessible has involved a range of considerations, from responsive design to careful colour use.

Here’s a breakdown of our how website is accessible:


1. Fully Responsive Website

  • Flexible Layout: Ensured the layout adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, orientations, and resolutions, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Viewport Meta Tag: Used the viewport meta tag to control layout on mobile browsers, ensuring content is scaled correctly.
  • Touch Targets: Ensured touch targets (buttons, links) are appropriately sized and spaced for users with limited dexterity or using touch devices.


2. Naming of Images

  • Descriptive File Names: Named image files descriptively, reflecting the content or purpose of the image.
  • Alt Text: Provided meaningful alt text for all images, describing their content or function.


3. Heading Styles for Content Structure

  • Semantic Headings: Used HTML heading tags to represent the hierarchy of content. Ensured headings are nested logically to reflect the structure.
  • Accessibility Navigation: Proper heading structure


4. Content Management System Supporting Accessibility

  • Accessible Themes/Templates: .
  • Content Editor Accessibility: Provide an accessible WYSIWYG editor within the CMS, offering keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and clear labeling of functions.
  • Plugins for Accessibility: Implement plugins that check for accessibility issues for images


5. Using Colour with Care

  • Contrast Ratio: Ensured a sufficient contrast ratio between text and background colors to make content readable for users with visual impairments


6. Forms Designed for Accessibility

  • Labeling:
  • Error Messages:

By incorporating these points, our website will be more accessible, creating a better user experience for all visitors, including those with disabilities.

If you have any suggestions on how this site’s accessibility may be improved please get in touch by emailing